Top Investment Quotes to Live By (1)

Top Investment Quotes to Live By (1)


One of the easiest ways to exposes yourself to these lessons is by knowing and understanding some investment quotes as motivation or caution on your investment journey.

The investment journey is a long learning experience that is more often than not rewarding. It requires a level of sacrifice, a level of knowledge gathering as well as a level of growing to be able to unleash the totality of its advantages.

It is from the process that many of the greatest investors of all time have discovered acclaimed secrets of the art form and passed down lessons, tips and strategies to the young and the unsure.

One of the easiest ways to exposes yourself to these lessons is by knowing and understanding some of their investment quotes as motivation or caution on your investment journey.

It is on the basis of this that we have curated some of the most amazing quotes of all time from some of the most amazing investors of all time.

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” – Warren Buffett

Risk is, no doubt, an unavoidable thing where investment is concerned. However, the biggest risk for loss comes from being clueless with anything you’re doing. The biggest disservice you can do to yourself as an investor is being uninformed.

"In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable." - Robert Arnott

This quote by Robert Arnott simply brings to fore the tradeoff between risk and return or reward. What is comfortable is safe and safe investments are low-risk investments.

The lower the risk involved, the lower the returns or profits to be made from it. Sometimes, you have to step out of your comfort zone a little to walk into a new level of profitability.

“The secret to investing is to figure out the value of something – and then pay a lot less.” Joel Greenblatt

This truly is the greatest secret of investing – and it is no secret why. Your goal as an investor is to extract value in whatever form. As such, it is the ability to buy something of value at a low price and have I blossom into something much bigger that gives you returns or profits.

"Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth." - Paul Clitheroe

There is nothing worth investing that is more than investing in yourself. Money comes and goes but you are the principal tool that controls the destiny of your life and the amount of wealth you can create.

You do this by developing certain skills that will be paid for by the world at large and building a career that grows with the changing times. Even in the game of investing, you must equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to leverage opportunities and use strategies to your advantage.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.” – Albert Einstein

This very popular quote is one that can literally change your investment life forever. Compounding is the magic wand that makes your investment grow exponentially over a period of time.

Through tools like a good interest rate, reinvestment and time, this 8th wonder as the good genius put it, is what has made billionaires out of lay men.

“Invest for the long-term.” – Lou Simpson

At Yochaa, this is our mantra. While trading for short term gains might give you a few gains every now and then, the real cream on the pie comes from investing for the long term.

From the ability to save for retirement to the magic of compounding, time is the only thing you cannot buy. Hence, you need to start investing now to be able to exploit the full powers of this one fleeting tool for success.

Written by Lawretta Egba.