Important Areas Of Your Life To Invest In For Total Growth

Important Areas Of Your Life To Invest In For Total Growth


While our primary responsibility at Yochaa is to drive you towards financial freedom through investment in the stock market, we know that if another area of your life is suffering, it could drag everything else along with it.

There’s a saying that when one part of the body isn’t functioning well, the entire body cannot function well.

As such, even though our primary responsibility on Yochaa is to drive you towards financial freedom through the amazing opportunity that is the stock market, we know that if another area of your life is suffering, it could drag everything else along with it.

A good investment mindset isn’t always about money. You first need to be in the best frame of mind to have the luxury to worry about money. Here are some areas that you have to invest in just as you invest your funds.

Invest In Your Education

Over time, we have emphasized the need to invest in your financial education. But it is not just your financial education that you should invest in. Education also goes beyond taking courses or going to a school of some sort.

It should be an all-round activity that you subliminally do. When you put on the television, what do you watch? While driving home or to work, what do you spend time listening to on the radio? Invest in your knowledge of happenings across the world.

Invest in those skills that you actively trade for income and strive to be the best in your field. How good are your networking or negotiation skills? Invest in your education by reading books or listening to good podcasts that will ultimately set you on the right path to success.

Invest In Your Health

Heath is the ultimate wealth; when it goes down, so does every other area of your life. The best way to invest in your health is to take preventive measures to maintain a good health as opposed to waiting for things to go bad before trying to get it in check – it might be too costly then.

How do you invest in your health? Start by eating healthy and taking a lot of water. With the right diet, you can save yourself from a lot of potential health issues.

Most of the health illnesses we have today were caused by the things we consumed. Next, exercise as much as you can. If exercising seems like it would require too much commitment, then you could get yourself involved in sporting or recreational activities like tennis, yoga, martial arts and so on.

The goal is to keep fit. Finally, carry out regular check-ups. Early detection of issues can save you a lot of pain, stress, money, and time.

Create Sources Of Stable Income

Hardly would you be able to invest in the stock market if you don’t have enough to spend anyway. The first goal is to have enough income to be comfortable.

While it is also good to strive to maintain low expenses, your quality of living should be good as well. Create multiple sources of income. One way to do this, of course, is to invest. The goal here is to have multiple ways to find your lifestyle.

Have A Contingency Fund

When things do get bad as they sometimes would, the last thing you want is to run to the stock market to pull out all your funds. Invest in a contingency fund of your choice that can be used to leverage opportunities or handle emergencies that may arise.

Invest In What You Wear

You probably didn’t see this one coming, but it is truly a part of our lives. Your dressing says a lot about you – if you’re careful or careless; if you’re into quality or mere quantity.

This ultimately affects how other people see you as well as the kind of opportunities you attract to yourself. Your clothes would leave an impression on others and can even dictate your circle of friends.

Clothing doesn’t need to be exorbitant; it just needs to be good enough to allow you walk into the right places and feel comfortable.

Invest in Relationships

Finally, we have heard times without number how our network defines our net worth. The people you spend time with would rub off on you and it can be for good or for bad.

The relationships you have determine the opportunities that are available to you, what your values are, how or if you invest, where you are going, and so on. Invest in your relationships by going for the right events that allow networking.

Try joining clubs like Ikoyi Club, Lagos Polo Club, Toastmasters, investment clubs, and so on. Find one that is in line with your goal and you would be on the right path to making quality relationships in no time.

Written by Lawretta Egba.