Already Retired? Here Are Easy Ways To Invest Your Money
Having worked in your industry for decades, you know it’s only a matter of time until you have to stop working. Here are some of the best investment options available to you.
Having worked in your industry for decades, you know it’s only a matter of time until you have to stop working. While the allure of staying at home and waiting for your pension to kick in, you know that there is only so far that can go – especially considering all the peculiarities that come with being in Nigeria.
If you had made some other big investments in the past, maybe you have a little cushion. However, if you made little or no investments and you don’t want to solely depend on others for your needs, then you might still need to have your money work for you.
However, unless you had already started running a company before retirement, then the last thing you need is to worry about starting a small business now – not unless you really want to.
At this point, your focus should be on the ability to have recurring income and live comfortably. While long term growth investments might be off the table as far as taking care of your personal needs is concerned, here are some other investment options to explore:
Angel Investing
It is expected that if you have made a little bit of money at this point, your young nieces and nephews and their friends have amazing business ideas that they need investment to make happen.
Angel investing helps you kill two birds with one stone. You empower those around you and if all things go well, you create a new source of income. While this is a risky investment in itself, it is safer than starting a business yourself and having to do all the running around yourself.
Note that it is still important that you carry out all feasibility analysis before investing.
Real Estate Investment Funds
One good source of recurring income is property investing. If you had invested in properties before, then you most certainly have rents coming in. If you haven’t, building a big project from scratch would be too much stress.
Rather, invest in a real estate investment fund. Those funds are typically run by professionals who invest in mortgages or in a number of properties. They pay dividends and the yields are much higher than what you would get from stocks.
Dividend Stocks
Growth investing might not be it, but it doesn’t mean that you should stay away from investing in stocks. You just need to invest for a different goal.
There are many companies that are not growing as fast as growth companies and have to compensate investors by paying good dividends. These dividends, depending on our investment
Municipal Bonds
These are specific bonds that are issued by the government and other governmental agencies, created to fund specific projects and whose returns are guaranteed and safe. They are generally used to finance public projects like roads, schools, airports and so on.
Treasury Bills
Treasury bills are also awesome for yielding good and secure interest. They are short-term investment securities issued by governments to finance borrowing requirements. They span for 3 months and above and yield interests that are higher than normal savings accounts. With good investments, you would make more money as well.
Mutual Funds
Mutual funds are portfolio funds created and managed by professionals. Just like the real estate fund, every mutual fund is set to attain a specific investment objective and cover a myriad of industries. Find what works for you based on the risk factors involved and invest your funds.
Written by Lawretta Egba.