A New Decade Of Investing in Stocks
By starting the decade investing in stocks, you leverage all the developments and opportunities the decade offers.
The journey from 2019 to 2020 was much bigger than the change from one day to another or even one year to another. Rather, it signified the end of one decade and the birthing of a new one.
The last decade went by so fast with various advancements in technology, the creation of new industries, and a wide range of developments in the investment space. If you didn’t invest in anything at all for the past 10 years, as harsh at it seems, it means you have little or no financial benefits to show for all your hard work of the past decade.
The great part, however, is that a new decade is upon us. We have a medium investment period of 10 years coming ahead and we can choose to also let it go by or seek to best we can get out of it.
The same way we have been putting plans and strategies in motion so that we can get the best out of our year, we must also set plans and strategies for investing. The last decade went by so fast and this one will too if we simply watch it go by or procrastinate on our investment goals.
In setting your investment goals, think of it this way: If you wouldn’t need a certain amount of money within 10 years, what will be the best way to invest it?
While you have a wide range of options, the stock market provides you an amazing growth potential that you cannot restrict to minimal gains like those of the treasury bills market or the immense risk that comes with investments in speculative assets like the cryptocurrency market.
By starting the decade investing in stocks, you leverage all the developments and opportunities the decade offers. As various companies also put their plans in motion to obtain larger shares of existing markets while also creating new markets and growing them, you take your position and give yourself a stake in a myriad of companies spanning different industries.
Another advantage of setting the ball rolling for the new decade of investment is that you can leverage the power of compounding like never before. Imagine investing ₦25,000 every month in just one security that grows at a very conservative rate of 10% annually.
At the end of the decade, you will have earned over ₦5.1 million. Yet, there is a truth that you will have next to nothing if you do not start investing now.
Various projections tell of the amazing opportunities that lie within Africa. With Nigeria as the centrepiece of this growth as one of the strongest economies on the continent, a failure to invest it is tantamount to leaving money on the table.
Just as we are filled with so much hope about what we would accomplish over the next decade in other areas of our lives, there should be great hope surging through us as a result of the amazing possibilities that we can access.
A look at the stocks on the Yochaa Heat Map will show you a variety of ways you can tap into the projected growth of our economy and there is no better time to start than right now.
Written by Lawretta Egba.